
Tourism Certification International (TCI) develops educational programs with schools and universities to share their values and approaches towards sustainability.We work with our certified partners, enterprises and communities, to show our trainees how we can cohabitate with nature respecting the ecological balance and also show them the lifestyles or many indigenous communities around the world.

These educational activities develop unforgettable values on children and in the youth, so they will keep these criteria all their lives. With universities, we organize seminars and courses to complement their formal educational plans.

Training could be provided independently or as part of a more global technical assistance. The main interested actors are national and sub-national governments, as well as tourism entrepreneurial associations. However, this training could be extended to universities, tourism schools and tourism operators. Training in sustainable tourism allows a better understanding of positive and negative aspects of tourism development and identifies measures, in policy matters and projects alternatives, that contribute to strengthen their sustainability.

General training in sustainable tourism by Tourism Certification International (TCI) includes four modules. The first one oriented to the understanding of sustainable development, including last trends and experiences, including the analysis of the new SDG, the sustainability approaches and sustainability measures. The second module develops a review of social and environmental impacts of tourism, as well as positive synergies created by some projects and tourism services providers internationally. The third module makes a review of international legislation and compares national legislations to promote tourism sustainability. A fourth module combines theory and technologies to develop projects with the sustainable tourism criteria to identify concrete solutions, in policy issues and in projects design and implementation, for a country, a region or a village. Specific training could be provided at the request of governments or entrepreneurial tourism associations. Some of these training are provided in partnership with tourism schools or local and international universities.

If you want to obtain more information about the general training in sustainable tourism of Tourism Certification International (TCI), or if your school is interested in developing educational activities with us please contact us.